The SoulStar Academy offers Ethical, Trustable and Empowering Coaching, Mentoring, Consulting, Education and support for Individuals and Businesses online, enabling them to grow into the best they can be for a far greater, kinder, wiser world.
We LOVE Ethical, Arts & Wellness Industry Organisations, and work best when paired with those industries. We specialise in Online Biz, including Branding, Social Media, and Online Business Systems, as well as Education, Coaching & Mentoring via personal consults or online courses.
We assist individuals and businesses attract, maintain and retain customers using simple and effective online, social media and marketing systems and courses.
In addition, our courses and systems aim to be easy to set up, learn and maintain and which save time and money.
With so many “money driven” organisations and courses online, our courses are intended to shine bright as a trustable, grounded and practical options.
So how can we help you ?
For many, getting going, let alone getting online is an overwhelming job.
We are here to help you.
We LOVE Birthing Online Business
Choose from a range of products, services and courses.
See our courses list by clicking here.
We can also provide you with a range of services and coaching which guides and educates you to create and grow your business. We work with you in a holistic and ethical manner, taking lifestyle into account, and using heart based ethics which help define your business, products and services.
Our courses and services are delivered with simplicity, integrity, power and passion. We work hard to source and analyse the current online world’s resources, tools and products that are available and distill these down into simple, savvy, effective tools, courses and coaching.
Because The SoulStar Academy has a background in Finance, Fashion, Photography, Retail Management, Retail Sales & Service, Hospitality, Human Resources Management, Finance, Theatre, Payroll, Accounting and Liquidations (as well as Natural & Alternative Therapies), we know these skills make the perfect ingredients for a successful business recipe. We love to make businesses not just efficient but also beautiful. And this hotpot of powerful ingredients truly do make a delicious gourmet recipe.
A healthy and successful business is built on the foundation of healthy humans so we pepper our content with world class health and lifestyle tips which make living and working fun and productive and which supports their ability to serve, succeed and enjoy the ride.
Some of our most delicious clients to date include
★ The Maleny Music Festival ★
★ The Lovelight Crystal Sound Healing Temple ★
★ The Gold Coast Organic Markets ★
★ Yogababy Australia ★
★ BaliSpirit Festival ★
★ Byron Spirit Festival ★
★ ZenThai Shiatsu ★
★ Uplift Connect Festival ★
~ And many more (click here for our full client list) ~
We would love to share our wisdom and knowledge with you. We invite you to subscribe here to join our VIP Star Tribe Community Email List and receive VIP only access to free courses, and priority offers on our products and services.
Please feel free contact us to discuss your needs or goals.
Hi, I’m Bella, the Founder of The SoulStar Academy, and this is my story.
I started my working life in Sydney studying Fashion Technology and working in Hospitality, Retail, and soon moving into Retail Management, Financial / Payroll Management then onto Human Resources Management. Along the way I studied Photography and Human Resources in addition to my Fashion Technology Certification.
After many years of personal development and healing, in 1999 I decided to leave corporate Sydney and “step into the unknown”. My plan was to travel globally with no real plan. Over the next 2 years I lived in New Yorkan Ashrams, meditated in Mayan Ruins, studied Thai Massage and Taoism and simply followed my heart to what felt right.
My visits to the USA, Mexico, Thailand, Asia, Europe and all around Australia totally changed me, allowing me to unplug from the matrix, defrag from the corporate grind, and to find and heal my soul.
This journey also enabled me to become really clear on my passions and purpose for this life.
Additionally I had LOTS of fun surfing the globe, meeting awesome people and soaking up the magic of travel. It’s a whole other world when you travel.
Needless to say it was an epic journey and I returned a whole new person, determined to start a new life with the new me and in a new city.
But I still had some hoops to jump through.
To date I had always been an employee yet I knew I had something valuable inside me to share, in my own way, and I knew I wanted to have a positive impact on the world, but I had no real idea how to action this.
So I decided to create my own business.
In 2001, I moved cities and started on the path of working with small ethical businesses, using my existing skills, to assist them with financials and management.
To ensure I was following my own values, I chose the niche of
“Financial Management for Ethical, Wellness & Arts Organisations”.
I worked with many beautiful and wonderful clients with awesome ethical businesses and together we journeyed far.
See my full client list on this website.
Then, from 2003 onwards, I became a course and information junkie. I attended every seminar I could and studied world class business leaders and marketers. I reviewed dozens of sales pitches, products and courses, attended hundreds of hours of marketing and online biz webinars. I also attended numerous world class personal development and visioning seminars while fervently studying property investing and asset creation and growth. As a result, I built a small property portfolio and truly believed I was going well.
And while all this was amazing, somehow it still felt like something wasn’t quite right.
And then … the 2008 GFC hit … and it had a massive impact on me psychologically, financially and emotionally. Most importantly, it awoke me to the truths of global economics and politics and lack of ethics there-in.
I had trusted my broker and bank and they had failed to inform me clearly, and it cost me dearly. Needless to say I was devastated, and a deep desire was triggered in me to simplify my life and slow right down. I realised I no longer wanted to be so debt laden and working primarily in the financial field which I was not 100% passionate about and which now was clearly corrupt and untrustable.
So I moved from Financial Management to a much more creative niche of Video & Social Media Marketing. I reduced my debt, sold assets and took time out to attended many yoga, music and healing events, as a participant and also as a Video and Social Media Specialist.
It was so much fun, but I was still always so TIRED! Little did I know I was actually spiralling down into chronic illness.
I was then forced to take time out to heal and rest. So from 2012 to 2017 I committed to finding out why I felt so chronically tired all the time.
After many natural therapist consults, blood tests, shaman sessions, Balinese healers, priestess blessings, water purifications, acupuncturists, herbs, bioresonance tests and so much more, I found out that I had chronic glandular fever (EBV), Hashimotos and a huge swag of other somewhat concerning health challenges. A fine brew of very disempowering afflictions indeed.
(Have you ever seen the documentary called ROOT CAUSE? Well that kinda explains my journey.)
No wonder everything felt so hard.
So I changed EVERYTHING!
Diet, supplementation, lifestyle, thinking, habits and I spent thousands on wellness products and herbs and consultations. I worked closely with expert natural therapy experts and functional medicine doctors who worked miracles on my mind, body and spirit using all natural remedies and plant medicines.
During this time I put my business AND social life on complete hold so I could focus only on my health.
And wow, I learnt SO MUCH!
Then in 2016, I seeded the next business path which became clear at the time, and The SoulStar Academy was born. Being able to co-ordinate all my key values, passions and skills into a service which truly served my community AND soul plus the greater good via online education and services felt SO PERFECT.
Being super tech savvy, uber arty and creative, an information junkie, and a systems genius The SoulStar Academy felt like the perfect crucible for all my talents, passions and skills PLUS helped me achieve my vision of a wiser, healthier and more sustainable world.
I kinda fancy being called a “Business Doula” as my real passion is Branding and I have a keen eye for design, and a great logic for business identity, especially for wellness providers.
Finally, in late 2018, after loads of focus, hard work, and great expenditure, I finally emerged from my biggest health challenges.
And I felt so much better!
PLUS I felt calm and measured and clear, like never before, like the storm of illness washed away all my worry and “drivenness” (is that a word?)
So now, the new me is now available to help you.
I’m so honoured you are here now, reading this and I welcome you to come journey with me so that I may contribute positively to your world, our world.
Namaste :: In Lakech